Our polytechnic college hostel accommodates 250 students and the hostel administration runs on smooth wheels, offering a comfortable, disciplined and enjoyable stay to the home students. So, for the students, the hostel is a home away from home. The hostel mess is run by dividing system and the average mess rate per day is about Rs.30/- The principal is the warden and assisted by deputy warden, stewardess internal auditor and an accountant. The warden is vested with full powers in the matter of administration and general discipline of the hostel
Dr.G.Vijaya Kumari Principal & Warden
Tmt. L.Natrinai Deputy warden (Discipline)
Tmt. V.Dahlia Florance Deputy warden ( Mess)
Dr. Jeyamani Deputy warden (Accounts )
Selvi. Sumathi Stewardess
Tmt. C.SUBA Hostel Accountant
Hostel Admission:
1. Application for admission in the hostel should be submitted in the prescribed format that is available in the hostel office.
2. Admission shall be given on the basis of the applicant’s merit and no reason will be given for the rejection of any application.
3. Students whose residence is beyond 40km from Madurai shall be given preference.
Hostel Fees:
The following fees should be paid at the time of admission to the hostel:
Cost of Application :Rs. 10.00
Mess Deposit : Rs.2000.00
Caution Deposit : Rs. 50.00
Admission Fee : Rs. 5.00
Room Rent : Rs. 150.00
Electricity charges : Rs. 225.00
Establishment charges : Rs: 350.00
The Mess deposit and the caution deposit will be refunded at the time of vacating the hostel.